Pragmatic and efficient solutions for all questions related to company law
Every economic player in general, and individual companies in particular, when managing their activities may have to sail through troubled waters. At any time, legal questions may arise, the answers to which may be decisive to insure success.
A proactive partner
Our company law department assists clients proactively in defining and putting into practice solutions which for the short term, medium term or long term allow to cope with every possible issue in terms of company law.
These solutions aim to be pragmatic, based on efficiency as well as on an acceptable profit and loss basis.
Our company law department can rely on an extensive and continuously retrained knowledge of the legal environment which surrounds us, without neglecting common sense and based on our experience for many years with all our national courts, in particular the company law courts.
Our company law department offers such assistance to economic players of all sizes operating in a wide range of areas and industries.
Expertise :
Negotiating, signing and executing all types of commercial contracts (amongst others purchase agreements, lease agreements, transport agreements, IT contracts etc.);
Commercial practices;
Corporate law (e.g. creation, transfer, shareholder agreements, corporate conflicts, liabilities);
Civil, contractual and extra-contractual liability and insurances.